Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Penny Pincher Coupon Book

By now, I hope you've received your Coborn's Penny Pincher Coupon Book in the mail and got some fabulous deals!  I realize there's only a couple of days left in this promotion, but hopefully a shopping trip is on your agenda in the next couple of days and you can take advantage of some of the penny pincher coupons.  I haven't went yet but I am putting it on my to-do list as there are a couple great bargains!

These are all store coupons and can be paired with manufacturer coupons.  They expire on 10/9/2010 (Saturday).

The flyer says you can save up to $99.99 - I will show you how you can save even more!

Hunt's Spaghetti Sauce (26-26.5 oz; Traditional, Meat or Garlic & Herb) - 82¢ (Limit 3)

Creamette Pasta (32 oz; Spaghetti, Thin Spaghetti, Vermicelli or Elbow Macaroni) - $1.44 (Limit 2)

Food Club Shredded Cheese (8 oz; Regular or Fine Cut Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar, Mozzarella, Colby Jack or Pizza Blend) - $1.33 each (Limit 3)

Malt-o-Meal Cereals (18 oz Frosted Mini Spooners, 21.5 oz Frosted Flakes, 21 oz Golden Puffs, 19.5 oz Cinammon Toasters) - $1.56 each (Limit 3)
*Use $0.75/1 printable coupon
Final price = 81¢ each

Bananas - 39¢ per pound (No Limit)

Del Monte Fruit Naturals (8 oz; Select Varieties) - 98¢ (Limit 10)
*Use $1/3 Del Monte Fruit Naturals Cup (RP 08/15/10)
Final price = 65¢ each when you buy at least 3

Nestle Semi-Sweet Baking Morsels (12 oz) - $1.77 each (Limit 2)
*Use $1/2 printable coupon
Final price = $1.27 each when you buy 2

Pillsbury All-Purpose Flour (5 lb) - $1.48 (Limit 1)

Food Club Sugar (4 lb) - $1.96 (Limit 1)

Bernatello's Pizza (13.2-15.95 oz Asst Varieties Thin N Crispy or Good N Garlic) - $1.95 (Limit 4)

Banquet Pot Pies (7 oz; Chicken, Beef or Turkey) - 48¢ (Limit 4)

Food Club Steamin' Easy Vegetables (12 oz; Green Beans, Peas, Corn, Peas & Carrots or Mixed) - 77¢ (Limit 3)

Food Club Chicken Entrees (6 oz; Asst Varieties) - 95¢ (Limit 3)

Carl Buddig Lunch Meat (8-10 oz; Asst Varieties) - $1.95 (Limit 3)
*Use $1/1 Buddig Deli Cuts, exp. 11-30-10 (SS 08/08/10)  (if this variety is included)
Final price = 95¢ each

Farmland Breakfast Sausage (12-16 oz Rolls or Links) - $1.25 (Limit 2)
*Use $1/2 Farmland Sausage Rolls, exp. 11-30-10 (SS 09/26/10)
Final price = 75¢ when you buy 2

Coborn's Deli Pit Ham - $2.88 lb (Limit 2 lbs)

Country Hearth Kids' Choice Bread - $1.66 (Limit 2)
*Use $0.55/1 Country Hearth Bread, exp. 11-30-10 (SS 08/29/10)
Final price = $1.11 each

Doritos (11.5-14.13 oz; Asst Varieties) - $1.98 each (Limit 2)

Viva Paper Towels (6 Roll) - $4.97 (Limit 2)
*Check the counter below where the ad is posted for a tearpad of $1 mftg coupons
Final price = $3.97 each

Cottonelle Bath Tissue (12 Double Roll) - $4.97 (Limit 2)
*Use $0.50/1 printable coupon here or here
Final price = $4.47 each

Xtra Liquid Detergent (75 oz) - $1.94 (Limit 2)

Folgers Coffee (27.8-33.9 oz All Varities except Decaf & Columbian) - $5.98 (Limit 1)
*Use $0.25/1 Folgers Coffee, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 09/19/10) or $1/2 Folgers Coffee, exp. 10-31-10 (RP 09/19/10)
Final price = as low as $5.48 each

Kemps Strawberry, Chocolate, Double Play Chocolate or Chocolate Malt Milk (1/2 Gallon) - $1.13 (Limit 2)


  1. Thanks Annette! Going to the cabin this weekend and needed to stock up on some snack foods and I'm out of coffee!

  2. Wahoo! Glad this helped!


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